Cycle Syncing Intro

Did you know that your power lies in the phases of your feminine cycle? As women, our hormones are on an approximately 28-day cycle as opposed to men’s 24-hour cycle. And because of this, we’re not meant to do/eat/feel the same thing every single day. Which sounds boring, in my opinion. 

Enter the art of cycle syncing. This is the practice of eating, behaving and moving in ways that support the specific hormonal ratios and brain chemistry during each phase of your cycle.

Benefits include:

  • Working with your body, not against it

  • Having more energy

  • Improving your health

  • Getting better nutrient variety

  • Being able to accomplish more over the course of the month instead of trying to do it all at once

  • Having the ability to live the best version of yourself and reach your goals

Sounds good, right? And keep in mind this isn’t something else to add to your already long to-do list. This is just scheduling what you like and do at strategic times of the month. Oh and with everything around here, this is all about balance. Do I follow cycle syncing perfectly each month? Nah. And I don’t stress about it. But I will say, I’m pretty strict about the cycled movement. You will not catch me doing a sweaty cardio sesh while I’m on my period. We all gotta draw the line somewhere!

Without further ado, here’s a quick reference chart of what’s happening biologically and how you can support each phase of your cycle. 

And if you want more, I did a whole podcast episode on this and I have a downloadable Cycle Syncing 101 Guide PDF. Here’s to keeping those sacred hormones happy and balanced.


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